Hi, my name is Nadav
I'm an aspiring Computer Engineer.

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About Me

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I am a self taught desktop application developer in 3 different languages. Java, C++, and Flutter.

I began programming when I was 14 years old, I taught myself to code by looking at examples and messing around in an IDE. My primary intersets have been game devleopment and UI designing.

My goal with every prorgam I make is to have a positive impact on at least one person, weather that be a close friend, or a random person that happened to view my source code. I enjoy teaching other aspiring programmers and engineers to help them grow as a developer and as a person.

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FRC Elastic Dashboard

Dashboard for FRC robots to display data from a robot during a match. Connects to Network Tables server via a web socket channel and uses interop with FRC driver station via its TCP port.

Super Mario Bros SDL2

Recreation of Super Mario Bros using C++ and the SDL graphics library. Manages entities using an ECS (Entity Component System), and loads in levels and settings using CSV files, tile maps, and a custom data format + parser.

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